Develop your PA or HA

Phase 3: PA Maturity and EUSBSR performance

Capacity and Impact

PA performance in Phase 3 shows stable efficiency, it is delivered by mature Policy Areas and Horizontal Actions, with full engagement of the internal implementing actors AND external stakeholders in the macro-regional scale. In a way, it is a bridge to (and maybe a precondition of) performance of the macro-region as such (the BSR).

All involved stakeholders have developed the capacity of implementing MRS relevant actions as contribution to the bigger picture, i.e. integration and development of the region. Results and effects of implementation become visible in terms of indicators such as income, inclusion, accessibility and environmental quality. These macro-indicators (often used for monitoring and decision-making) only show up at this late phase and should not be sought earlier.

In is only in Phase III, that the “impacts” of the MRS become clear. Usually, the impacts are those that are interesting to policy makers, media and the public. Lack of progress on the relevant metrics is considered a failure. It is essential to recognise that change at this level only comes late in the process.

Another obvious result is that the ESIF funding is fully aligned with the EUSBSR – not only thematically/strategically but also operationally/tactically. The EU funding system has expanded from project funding to funding processes that ensure learning, coordination and cooperation between all stakeholders of the macro-region, along the lines of policy work and policy enactment.

The management perspective of the funding authorities, at all levels – from leaders of Managing Authorities to line supervisors of MRS-initiated projects, has shifted from solely national to macro-regional value that the EUSBSR comes with. Provisions are made, and assistance is available to Policy Area Coordinators/Horizontal Action Leaders when they pursue alignment of funding.


Actions in Phase 3

Policy Area Coordinators and Horizontal Action Leaders initiate and participate in structured cross-PA/HA processes ensuring cohesion at the EUSBSR level (mixed-level working groups, networks, ad-hoc initiatives). Joint flagships are standard practice rather than experiments.

In this Phase, all Horizontal Actions are enacted across the EUSBSR. Monitoring and evaluation activities are running.

Major implementing stakeholders (PACs, HACs, NCs, MAs) carry out continuous dialogues aiming at fine-tuning alignment between political, strategical, operational and financial perspectives. MA networks are operative and work for dynamic alignment with the changing needs of the EUSBSR.

PACs /HACs have possibilities of regular consultations with the European Commission. They are interested in larger context – beyond the EUSBSR, e.g. participate in staff-exchange between the four MRSs.

PACs/HACs and other implementing stakeholder regularly participate in capacity development initiatives.