Develop your PA or HA
Phase 1: Setting Up the Policy Area / Horizontal Action
Actions and Capacity
Policy Areas / Horizontal Actions are being formed – through interaction of internal implementing actors/stakeholders. They meet regularly, formulate joint statements, make sense of the Action Plan / Objectives, discuss Targets & Indicators, establish first routines, clarify roles and responsibilities, brainstorm and, possible, agree of main formats to be employed (e.g. flagships).
Capacity effects in Phase 1 mainly concern individuals and translate – via the individuals – to the institutions. PAC/HAS’s home institutions are being set up for the task (structures and management).
Almost no visible effects beyond this group of individuals (and definitely no external performance effects on the thematic/content progress, e.g on “water quality”)
Phase 1A: Scouting and Mobilisation (MLG)
Actions and Effects
Once the structures are set and plans made, the PA/HA goes into Phase 1A (intermediary phase) with the purpose of exploring the operation environment and a possible action field:
- analysing its prerequisites (e.g. “greenfield” or “brownfield”-effects, barriers and possible drivers)
- scouting for thematic issues (existing and emerging) that could be objects of attention for the PA/HA
- exploring possible value-added aspects and effects of Multi-Level Governance (MLG) on the PA/HA
Effects are still largely individual-based (‘leaders’) – early awareness of the PA/HA existence and intentions (and increasing awareness of the EUSBSR as a strategic framework, too). Ideally, PAC/HAC’s home institution starts to engage externally.
Possible actions: Participation days, active networking; internal discussions continue.
Horizontal Actions have developed their plan of activities and start to engage in activities carried out by Policy Areas, in order to fine-tune their ideas and do reality-check with PACs.